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Please read the rules of the event carefully. Registering for L’Alsacienne implies acceptance of these rules. You can read the rules HERE

L’Alsacienne is a cycling event for the general public that takes place in the mountains; it is open to everyone aged over 18, whether they are beginners or experienced in this type of event, and whether or not they are members of a cycling federation.

The courses are in the mountains. It is therefore essential to have a cycling level that matches the course you have chosen, and to be fully aware of its difficulty.

  • NO for the randonnée
  • YES, for the timed cyclosportive courses. You must UPLOAD one of the following three supporting documents before 14 June:
    • 2025 French licence
    • Medical certificate
    • Health module completion certificate.

This is better than getting a medical certificate. To obtain one, simply reply to the health questionnaire

All of the information on supporting documents is available HERE.

NO, because if you present your supporting document on site there is a risk it will be refused if it is not compliant. It is in the entrants’ interest to upload them before registrations close.

NO, because to welcome thousands of entrants under good conditions and in the same way requires preparation on the part of the organiser.

This also applies to the cyclists, who must both train and prepare their trip.

In absolute terms, on-site registration is possible. By increasing the registration fee to cover any surpluses, taking advantage of no-shows (overbooking), keeping a number of unregistered bib numbers, or retaining the right to close the registrations at any time. However, L’Alsacienne does not use such practices.

NO. It is up to you to decide whether or not to buy one of the meals proposed. This free choice enables you to decide your budget, and enables the organisation to reduce waste at source.

You can consult the prices HERE

Any gift, whatever it is, has a cost. This cost, whether high or low, is mainly paid for by the entrants, and may significantly increase the registration fee for a product that is not necessarily wanted or appreciated.

L’Alsacienne tries to offer regional food products. Products that you can share with your family and friends. We still need to find partners willing to offer over 3000 batches each.

If we are unsuccessful, L’Alsacienne will choose a useful and high quality product, the cost of which will hardly affect the registration fee.

The Tourist Offices, located less than 15 minutes by car from the L’Alsacienne reception village, offer a wide range of accommodation. Whether you are alone, with family or a group, the offers are suited to all your needs. To find out about the accommodation solutions, contact the Tourist Offices of:


YES. To access your application form, click on the link provided in the registration confirmation email. This enables you in particular to upload your supporting document.

On the other hand,

  • Your first name, surname and date of birth can only be modified by L’Alsacienne.
  • You cannot transfer from a “Randonnée” registration to a “Timed courses” registration or vice versa.

YES, if you have taken out the cancellation insurance cover proposed during registration, AND you meet the conditions of the policy.

NO, as the organiser cannot guarantee that there will be another event. Similarly, you cannot guarantee you will be able to go.

NO. The registration cannot be exchanged or transferred.


You can collect it at the L’Alsacienne reception village located at the Lac de Kruth–Wildenstein

  • Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm
  • Sunday from 6 am to 7 am

IMPORTANT: we strongly recommend collection on Saturday. That way you won’t have to worry about it when you arrive on Sunday morning, and can just focus on your race. You won’t waste time due to the distance from the car park, probable waiting times, forgetting the compulsory document or other possible problems.

  • To collect the bib number set, entrants must provide proof of identity (identity card, passport, original, copy or scan)
  • A third party can collect the bib number set if they provide proof of the identity of the holder of the bib number

To speed-up distribution of bib numbers, please prepare the proof of identity, and tell the officials the bib number sent by email a few days before the event.

For entrants to the timed courses, the set includes:

  • The bib number with safety pins for attaching it
  • Saddle number plate equipped with a single-use timing chip.
  • Coupons for any meals ordered
  • Fixing clips to attach the saddle number plate
  • A sticker for the course chosen during registration
  • A bib number sticker (Sportograf)

 For entrants to the randonnée courses, the set includes:

  • Number board
  • Coupons for any meals ordered
  • Fixing clips to attach the number board
  • A sticker for the course chosen during registration
  • A bib number sticker (Sportograf)

L’Alsacienne welcomes and supports all entrants equally. There are therefore no priority bib numbers, preferential rates or special assistance.


7 car parks with a total capacity of 1720 spaces are organised on meadows within a radius of 2 km of the reception village. If the ground is waterlogged, alternative parking spaces will be organised along the last 7 km leading to the reception village.

On Sunday, all vehicles travelling to the reception village will be welcomed and directed by marshals. Parking of vehicles in the car park indicated by the marshal is organised by attendants.

There are no parking areas for camper vans in this green setting. We therefore ask camper van drivers to contact the nearby campsites.


  • Preferably collect your bib number on Saturday, or ask someone to collect it for you. It is the easiest solution.
  • Give priority to car sharing, a solution that is both pleasant and environment-friendly


  • Follow the instructions of the marshals and attendants. That way you will avoid wasting time, blocking the traffic and parking badly.
  • Before leaving the car park, check carefully that you have not left behind any of your possessions or litter. Thank you for leaving the premises litter-free.

Yes, in the reception village, preferably when you collect your bib number. This service is free of charge and may be useful if you want to get changed after the race without going back to the car park or to your accommodation. 

When leaving and collecting your luggage, you will need to show your bib number wrapper, bib number, saddle number plate or number board.

The starting area is near the reception village. Follow the signs to reach the starting area quickly by bike.

A regulatory control is carried out at the entrance to the starting area (no handlebar extension, presence of a puncture repair kit, helmet, bib number or saddle number etc.). See HERE Article 6 of the cyclosportive rules.


  • To comply with the times of the trains that cross the courses
  • To protect ourselves as much as possible from the possible summer heat.
  • To avoid penalising entrants who want to change courses during the event. They do not need to wait for the lead vehicle of another course
  • To reduce the attendance time of volunteers at the intersections and feed zones
  • So all the entrants can experience the excitement together at the start


Each cyclist’s start time is recorded as they cross the starting line. There is therefore no need to hurry into the starting area to get ahead by a few places when the starting signal is given.

It should be noted that detection of the chip on the starting line is secured twice after the starting line.

Barring accidents, the first few kilometres and the passes will be closed to traffic. Except for the passes and rights of way which may be given at junctions, provided that marshals are present, the event takes place on roads open to traffic. You must therefore follow the highway code, keep to the right hand side of the road, be careful and stay in control of your bike.

L’Alsacienne has the privilege of crossing a mountain range that is protected, but is nevertheless fragile. For this reason, we ALL have a duty to RESPECT these magnificent sites.

For us, the ORGANISERS, this respect results in naturally adopting an eco-responsible and eco-logical approach:

Priority given to short channels

All our food products are produced in our region. Our partners are 100% Alsatian. We work together to find solutions to reduce rubbish, journeys and waste.

Reduce waste at its source

Cardboard boxes are reused by suppliers, plastic cups are recycled, the tray meals are bio-compostable, digital media are favoured. The type and volume of waste and the quality of sorting are analysed at the end of each event.

Protect the natural environment

Food at the organisation’s feed zones does not have packaging, the feed zones are located outside any sensitive zones, car sharing is favoured, signs are made of recyclable materials and reused. Cyclists found leaving litter behind are disqualified.

You, the CYCLISTS,can show this respect in simple ways:

Use car sharing

Like the L’Alsacienne volunteers, use car sharing as far as possible. Already 81% of L’Alsacienne entrants say they use car sharing. That’s great. We must keep it up!

Don’t be wasteful

To avoid wasting food, the meal is not included in the registration fee. The organisation allows you to order the number of meals required when you register. See conditions on the page PRICES

Avoid over-consuming

Enough food and drink is provided at the feed zones. Only take what you strictly need, especially as there are lots of feed zones and they are strategically placed.

Sort your waste properly

Keep your waste in your pockets, like you do during your training rides

Respect the selective sorting of waste at the reception area and feed zones.

TOGETHER, by our behaviour and with common sense, we will ensure that the event is clean and sustainable


YES. The timing system records the entrants for the course they actually ride. The final choice of course can be made during the event, i.e.:

  • At 53 km, possible to switch to the 100 km (at any time), or to the 145 km or 170 km, provided you get there before 10:45 am.
  • At 125 km, for those riding the 145 km, possible to switch to the 170 km, provided you get there before 2:50 pm.
  • At 125 km, for those riding the 170 km, possible to switch to the 145 km.

However, be careful not to overestimate your strength. Taking part in L’Alsacienne must above all remain a pleasure!

YES. At 2.5 km.

Technical support

A free bike repair stand (excluding parts) is available on Saturday in the reception village from 11 am to 6 pm.

You must arrive at the start of the event with a bike that has been serviced and is in perfect working order, equipped with a saddlebag containing two inner tubes, tyre levers and a mini pump.

Only entrants who have mechanical difficulties that cannot be repaired with the compulsory minimum equipment can be rescued by the broom wagon. Any cyclists overtaken by the broom wagon ride under their own responsibility, and are not covered by the organisation’s safety service.

Medical assistance 

Whether you witness or suffer an accident, it is up to you to provide assistance and to call the emergency services. The emergency number is shown on the bib number, the saddle number plate or the frame number plate.

Assistance by close relations

Following cars are forbidden on pain of immediate disqualification. Imagine if there were as many following cars as entrants!

However, entrants are allowed to get fresh supplies at the Markstein. This mountain resort can be reached from the L’Alsacienne reception village in 18 minutes by car via a wide road with little traffic.

YES, for the timed courses

  • At 53 km, from 10:45 am, compulsory transfer of the 145 km and 170 km courses to the 100 km course.
  • At 125 km, from 2:50 pm, compulsory transfer of the 170 km course to the 145 km course.

The cut-off times enable any suitably-trained cyclists to easily reach the finish point within the time allowed. This system protects the health and safety of cyclists, and also benefits the volunteers waiting for the cyclists.

The last times will be recorded at 4:30 pm on the finish line.

Mountains are a natural environment where the weather is always unpredictable. You must anticipate bad weather.

Several feed zones are spread over the courses, in suitable areas where the cyclists are in safety, away from any traffic.

The feed zones and their characteristics are indicated on the maps and the profiles available here mentioned in the technical guide sent to each entrant, and shown on the sticker made available to each entrant.

They provide sweet and savoury foods, to complete the food that each cyclist will of course bring with them.

They also provide water and cordials, to complete the drink that each cyclist has ensured that they bring in two large water bottles.

L’Alsacienne does not show the streams and fountains on the courses, as the water is not suitable for drinking. The water provided at the feed zones comes from a spring in Alsace, and is solely in bottles that have been bought and are opened in the entrants’ presence.

More than 11 tonnes of water are needed. As far as possible, L’Alsacienne endeavours to keep the water at a pleasant temperature, without using a refrigerated truck which consumes fuel for hours, what’s more in a natural area.

In addition to a balanced diet and eating plenty of starchy food and carbohydrates several days before the event, we advise entrants to consume their usual food and energy drinks during the event. L’Alsacienne does not provide energy products.


YES, in exchange for the meal coupon attached to the bib number. The coupon shows the number of meals ordered before the registration closing date.

A service providing sandwiches and snacks is available on Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm and on Sunday from 6 am to 5.30 pm.

A supervised bike parking area is provided for entrants near the food area.

The first three men and women in the scratch race for each course are invited to attend the official ceremonies. The times of the ceremonies are shown here

There are several hours’ difference between the arrival of the scratch race podium and the age group podium. Furthermore, entrants leave the event as soon as possible to start their journey home. As a result it is impossible to find a time for the ceremony that would suit most of the winners (162 for the three courses). For that reason only the first three men and women in the scratch race for each course are invited to attend.

That being said, ALL finishers deserve our congratulations!

Public liability : the organiser has taken out an insurance policy covering its public liability as well as that of the participants involved, for property damage or bodily injury they accidentally cause to third parties or to each other. This policy only applies to the official route during the event, for entrants duly registered and checked at the start, and until they finish (according to their timing).

Personal accident insurance : It is up to each person to take out cover for this type of damage. Members of a cycling federation must check with their federation that they are sufficiently covered for any bodily injury suffered when taking part in this type of event.

Otherwise, it is in their interest, as well as in the interest of those who are not members of a cycling federation, to take out personal accident insurance with the insurance company of their choice.

Personal accident insurance is not compulsory but is strongly recommended.

Property damage insurance : Neither the organiser nor its insurance company cover damage to the entrants’ equipment, in particular in the event of a fall or theft, or during transport by the organiser. It is up to each person to take out cover for this type of risk from the insurance company of their choice.

YES. We have a team of physios who will provide recovery massages. However, please note that due to the large number of cyclists, we cannot guarantee you a massage.

Photos of entrants are available 48 hours after the event, at a price we consider reasonable, on the website of our service provider Sportograf.

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Exceptional courses for all ambitions

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